Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, Nov. 19th, 2007

Dear Mom,

You know, things just ain't been th' same since you died back in 1996. I was thinking that this morning when my son woke up at 3 AM. I wished I was still on th' Row and you were still alive, because I would've brought him over to your pad and let th' 2 of your play while I went upstairs to take a nap. Th' boy wears my ass out.

Yeah, if we were still both there we could've made a day outta' it. I could've taken Bubba to that gigantic playground across th' street from your old church and played for a few hours. Then I would have ordered a pizza from Stella's before going home again. Or maybe we'd just spend the night-- what the hell, Thanksgiving is coming up.